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Integrated cabling 25-year warranty document

This document is for engineering projects only.

Prerequisites for the warranty commitment to take effect:

1. After the completion of the project, the project shall be tested by the tester approved by FGT-Shanghai Huihai Digital Technology Co., LTD., and 100% of the information point test results shall be provided, and all the above test and test result data shall be provided to the Company.

2. The construction or installation party shall fully demonstrate that its construction or installation is in full compliance with relevant national and industry standards.

3. All FGT brand products must be used in the entire system (please provide the original factory proof documents issued by the company).

Subject to the above conditions, FGT-Shanghai Huihai Digital Technology Co., Ltd. undertakes the following quality assurance commitments for the system:

Warranty scope

1, FGT copper cable integrated wiring system from the date of product delivery to provide 25 years of product and application quality assurance.

FGT integrated cabling cable system provides 25 years product and application quality assurance from the date of product delivery.

The FGT Active product range provides a 1-year product and application quality guarantee from the date the product is manufactured. (refers to optical transceivers, switches and other products with power supply)

2. System components

When the system components fail and the abnormal use causes are eliminated, FGT-Shanghai Huihai Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and CI(Certified installers) will provide free repair, if it cannot be repaired, replace it.

3. Application guarantee

If the system does not conform to the international standard application/protocol for operation, we will verify and repair the certified wiring system, or provide a replacement product to ensure that it effectively transmits the said application/protocol upon request from the user.

Warranty coverage not included

1, non-FGT original brand products can not enjoy the warranty

(2) Installation and construction personnel do not carry out construction according to relevant national and industry standards.

Fgt-shanghai Huihai Digital Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to modify and interpret this warranty document.

FGT- Shanghai Huihai Digital Technology Co., LTD

January 18, 2018

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